Dear Reader,

Can someone write a blog post in less than five minutes? Maybe yes, maybe not.

Can you (insert seemingly impossible task here)? Maybe yes, maybe not. There is the temptation just to say “No” when the choice is binary.

Let’s change point of view for a minute.

How can someone write a blog post in less than five minutes?

How can you (insert seemingly impossible task here)?

You see, you can remove the negative option and put your focus on the possibilities.

How can I write a blog post so quickly? By scanning my list of “someday posts”, choosing the first that sparks my inner voice and blasting it out. Picking the right image and checking the grammar are two tricks of the trade that, one day, I’ll write about.

How can you achieve that “impossible” result? Not if, HOW can you do that? Stop debating whether it is possible or not, put your cogs in motion and start jotting down ideas. When doubt arises, check my flowchart for handling this kind of situation.

Nine minutes. Dang! Well, at least I tried, but something still came out of it!

Until next time, start with How (assuming you know your Why already!)